Harinama Cintamani by Romapada Swami in Seattle
Introduction and The glories of the holy name-2008-11-27-Seattle.mp3
Chanting the holy name – 2008-11-27 Seattle.mp3
Namabhasa or the unclarified name – 2008-11-27 Seattle.mp3
Criticizing saintly persons – 2008-11-28 Seattle.mp3
Considering the demigods independent of Krsna – 2008-11-28 Seattle.mp3
Disobeying-disrespecting SM & 7 Criticizing the Vedic Scriptures – 2008-11-28 Seattle.mp3
Considering the glories of the holy name to be imaginary – 2008-11-29 Seattle.mp3
Sinning on strength of chanting 10 Instructing glories of HN to faithless – 2008-11-29 Seattle.mp3
Equating chanting with pious activities – 2008-11-29 Seattle.mp3
Chanting inattentively is offensive & 13 Maintaining material attachment – 2008-11-30 Seattle.mp3
Offenses in devotional service & 15 The bhajana of confidential worship – 2008-11-30 Seattle.mp3