12 In this age, Krsna appears in his name in order to annihilate the demons and protect the devotees

12 In this age, Krsna appears in his name in order to annihilate the demons and protect the devotees

Krsna has now appeared in His holy name through the Hare Krsna movement to annihilate the demons and protect the devotees: [Vasudeva to Lord Krsna]: O my Lord, proprietor of all creation, You have now appeared in my house, desiring to protect this world. I am sure that You will kill all the armies that are moving all over the world under the leadership of politicians who are dressed as ksatriya rulers but who...

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14 “Om” and “Hare Krsna”

14 “Om” and “Hare Krsna”

This section includes only those instructions on omkara encountered while gathering references on the maha−mantra. Omkara was not separately researched. Omkara is a sound representation of the Supreme Lord: The principal word in the Vedas, pranava omkara, is the sound representation of the Supreme Lord. Therefore omkara should be considered the supreme sound.… Omkara is the reservoir of all the...

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09 The holy name of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is all auspicious

09 The holy name of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is all auspicious

A brahmana tells Prakasananda Sarasvati that the name "Krsna Caitanya" is all−auspicious to the world: "His name, Krsna Caitanya, is all−auspicious to the world. Everything about Him−His name, form, and qualities−is unparalleled." – Sri Caitanya caritamrta Madhya lila 17.113 Simply by remembering or chanting Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's holy name one can be delivered...

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04 Only one who is strictly following religious principles can propagate the holy name

04 Only one who is strictly following religious principles can propagate the holy name

Only one who is strictly following religious principles can be successful in propagating the holy name: Lieutenant Mozee: There are many Christian organizations in the United States that give the holy communion. Why doesn't this work? Why is this not cleansing the heart? Srila Prabhupada: To speak frankly, I find it difficult to find even one real Christian. The so−called Christians do not abide by the Bible's order. One...

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01 The Lord has innumerable names (to indicate different functions and dealings)

01 The Lord has innumerable names (to indicate different functions and dealings)

Krsna expands Himself into many different names: [Lord Caitanya to Svartpa Damodara and Ramananda Raya]: "My Lord, O Supreme Personality of Godhead, in Your holy name there is all good fortune for the living entity, and therefore You have many names, such as Krsna and Govinda, by which You expand Yourself…" – Sri Caitanya caritamrta Antya lila 20.16 God has unlimited names, each of which is God: Srila...

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