One must become a servant of the Holy Name

One must become a servant of the Holy Name

“In the spiritual world the Absolute is always Absoute; the name, form, quality and pastimes of the Absolute are all as good as the Absolute Himself. As such, one is understood to be an eternal servant of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. If he considers himself an eternal servant of the holy name and in this spirit distributes the holy name to the world. One who chants in this spirit, without offenses, is certainly elevated to the...

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I accept Chanting as a duty

I accept Chanting as a duty

To me, the bottom line is duty. My spiritual master told me to chant Hare Krishna, and so I will never give it up. I do not regard this duty as a nonsense thing. It is all I have, and so it’s very dear to me. I also have become aware that it may take a long time for me to “master” the art of chanting Hare Krishna. It is not something easily attained. This thought helps me to become more patient. So what if I have been chanting for...

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Objective of Krishna Consciousness Movement

Objective of Krishna Consciousness Movement

The Krishna consciousness movement is especially meant for creating an atmosphere in which people can take to the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra. One must begin with faith, and when this faith is increased by chanting, a person can become a member of the Society. We are sending sańkīrtana parties all over the world, and they are experiencing that even in the remotest part of the world, where there is no knowledge of Krishna, the...

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Harer Namaiva Kevalam

Harer Namaiva Kevalam

In this age of logic, argument and disagreement, the chanting of Hare Krsna is the only means for self-realization. Because this transcendental vibration alone can deliver the conditioned soul, it is considered to be the essence of the Vedanta-sūtra. (Pg no-202 – Last Para) A student is to be considered perfected when he understands the identity of the holy name and the Supreme Lord. Unless one is under the shelter of a realized...

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Indians go out for begging – but no, we have to go out TO GIVE

Indians go out for begging – but no, we have to go out TO GIVE

So therefore in this age, krsna-varnam tvisakrsnam sangopangastra-parsadam yajnaih sankirtana-prayair yajanti hi su-medhasah [SB 11.5.32] This is intelligence, to chant sankirtana. Bahubhir militva kirtayati. Assemble in big assembly. Just like we are trying to introduce. It is very easy. Chant, thousands and thousands of people. Never mind what he is. It doesn’t matter whether he’s learned or fool, rich or poor, or black...

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Chanting is the Foundation of a Worthwhile Life

Chanting is the Foundation of a Worthwhile Life

Chanting is the foundation of a worthwhile life.  It is the foundation of true success.  Nothing in this world or the next can be had without work.  One cannot work without energy and enthusiasm.  Chanting, when properly done (without the ten offenses), generates such enthusiasm, courage, and energy.  Therefore it forms the foundation from which a skyscraper of life is built. There are numerous examples in our...

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