What is Japa?
'Japa' means personal chanting on beads and hearing the Holy Name. There are no hard-and-fast rules for chanting Hare Krsna. The most wonderful thing about mantra meditation is that one may chant anywhere-at home, at work, driving in the car, or riding on the bus or subway. And one may chant at any...
How to perform Tapasya
Question : WHAT IS THE MOST PERFECT PROCESS OF ATONEMENT ? Answer : BY SRILA PRABHUPADA. naikāntikaḿ tad dhi kṛte 'pi niṣkṛte manaḥ punar dhāvati ced asat-pathe tat karma-nirhāram abhīpsatāḿ harer guṇānuvādaḥ khalu sattva-bhāvanaḥ Translation : The ritualistic ceremonies of atonement recommended in the religious scriptures are insufficient to cleanse the heart absolutely because after atonement...
Chanting is Boring
When I commit offences to the Holy Name, chanting becomes boring. In this consciousness chanting is tasteless, troublesome, and outright uninteresting, and it’s the last thing I want to do. Thus I do it only out of duty while my mind is totally disengaged from chanting. My mood is simply to get my rounds finished as soon as possible. This is a sign to me that my spiritual life is lacking. When I don’t do something to...
Affection-means fond feelings, devotion and love. The goal of chanting Hare Krsna is to chant suddha-nama-the pure name enriched with krsna-prema and the presence of the Lord. May the following prayer awaken our love for beautiful Krsna standing before as Sri NamaPrabhu: O Krsna! May I chant Your holy names with heartfelt emotion. When will I become charmed by the ambrosia of Your names and start chanting from the heart? O Krsna!...
Krishna is Here
Yahan krsna: wherever Krsna is there. Krsna is absolute. He can be present in His various potencies. He can be present by His name only. Just like we chant Hare Krsna — He is present, because His name is not different from Him. That is the absolute sense. In relative sense… Suppose somebody calling me in my apartment, “Swamiji.” Swamiji is here. The response cannot be. Just like in telephone. Yesterday Raymond...
sanjaya uvaca evam ukto hrsikeso gudakesena bharata senayor ubhayor madhye sthapayitva rathottamam (Bhagavad Gita 01.24) Translation: Sañjaya said: O descendant of Bharata, having thus been addressed by Arjuna, Lord Krishna drew up the fine chariot in the midst of the armies of both parties. Purport: In this verse Arjuna is referred to as Gudakesa. Gudaka means sleep, and one who conquers sleep is...